SMART Platform

SMART core facilities

Welcome to the Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry core facility of University of Artois.

SMART (Spectrométrie de Masse de l’ARTois) is a core facility at the BBB lab. We provide support for faculty and student researchers at University of Artois, as well as other institutes and private companies. Our mass spectrometers and support equipment allow us to customize projects to your needs.  We are working with you during the planning and protocol development stages or helping you understand the results obtained and helping during manuscript preparation when publishing your results.

To initiate a project please review the services we offer, and submit your request by email or phone.  Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the design of your experiment or any aspect of sample preparation, data collection, or analytical requirements.


Our technological core areas and competences:

Our services include separations of complex protein and/or peptide mixtures, protein expression analysis (SWATH/DIA label-free), quantitation of protein, bioinformatics, spot-cutting, gel imaging and analysis.

Analysis of digests of highly complex mixtures, such as whole cell lysates or serum proteins, and identification of proteins purified by column chromatography, or by gel electrophoresis are also available.

Additional analyses such as small molecules identification, lipid identification, lipidomics approach or targeted protein identification/quantitation using peptide SRM/MRMs are also available. Many small-molecule analyses (polymer analysis, validation of synthesized compounds) can be performed.

We provides mass spectrometry analyses such as:

-         Proteins and peptides identification and quantitative proteomics

-         Drugs and small molecules quantitation

-         Polymers molecular weights determination

-         Lipids identification and quantitative lipidomics approach


Our instrumentation and equipment:

Mass spectrometers:

- Sciex TripleTOF 5600+ MS instrument

- Bruker MALDI TOFTOF ultraflex II MS instrument


-         Ekspert nanoLC 425 Eksigent

-         Selexion™ device for lipidomics

-         Gel imaging and band/spot quantitation analysis tools (Samespots™)

-        gel electrophoresis devices

-         Bioinformatics: ProteinPilot advanced protein-MS identification software; Analyst software, MultiQuant, Lipidview…


Contact us:

Sophie Duban-Deweer, Ph. D. Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry core manager: sophie.duban[at]

Johan Hachani, Proteomics , small molecules and Mass Spectrometry engineer : johan.hachani[at]

Phone: +33 (0)3 21 79 17 28